
Shadowhunters season 1 episode 4 full episode
Shadowhunters season 1 episode 4 full episode

The Shadowhunters capitalize on that last one, setting a meeting with Magnus at a “Downworlder” rave to trade a necklace he gifted Camille in exchange for access to Clary’s missing memories. Like, enough to risk his life and the life of all of his fellow warlocks to attend one, apparently. Though Alec is unattractively whiney right now, he’s got that whole square-jawed marble-cut hotness thing going for him).

  • He’s got a thing for Alec (I mean, I don’t blame him.
  • He’s dated Camille the vampire, and he boned Michelangelo.

    shadowhunters season 1 episode 4 full episode

    He goes both ways, and everybody within a four block radius should know about it.“Raising Hell” is basically a crash course in all things Magnus Bane. She keeps acting like Magnus forcibly took them against her will, but we pretty clearly saw her mother beg him to do it a few episodes back (and Clary knows that) so maybe chill out a little bit Clary, huh? Meanwhile, Clary is on a request to retrieve her “stolen” memories from Magnus. Simon’s subplot throughout “Raising Hell” only begs one real question: why did exactly ZERO of the Shadowhunters stop to consider the possibility that Simon may have been turned? No one thought this could happen? No one thought to mention the possibility to Clary - “Hey, your BFF might have been turned into a creature of the night, FYI”? Why is everyone on this show so pretty but so, so dim?

    shadowhunters season 1 episode 4 full episode

    In the closing moments, Simon makes his way back to chat with Camille. He spends the rest of the episode not doing a whole lot: he goes home, deals with intermittent and growing bloodlust and sensitivity to sunlight, breaks poor bandmate Maureen’s heart. His one useful moment occurs in the opening five minutes of the episode, before he takes off, when he relates to Clary that the “Magnus” she’s been seeing in her dream-memories is probably the Magnus Bane that sexy lady vamp Camille mentioned to him stole Clary’s memories. No? GAHH, WHY WON’T YOU LOVE ME?!” *storms out* To summarize Simon’s bitchfit: “It’s not safe here! Jace, you’re a big square-jawed meany! Clary, come with me. On top of that, Simon’s method of peacing out of Shadowhunters headquarters is incredibly lame and childish. Simon and Clary’s relationship is the only one I care about even a little bit right now, so once it becomes clear that Simon and Clary are to remain completely separated for the bulk of this episode, I lose interest. Unfortunately, much like Clary’s quest to regain her memories, the show’s quality took two major steps back this week in “Raising Hell.” I hate to say it, because last week’s “Dead Man’s Party” did show some (vague) glimmers of hope. Is it just me or is this episode of Shadowhunters phenomenally boring? And painfully awkward?

    Shadowhunters season 1 episode 4 full episode